Wednesday 6 August 2008

How To Spot Fake Proof Of Clickbank Earnings Screenshots

There are scam artists out there, especially online who would have you believe that they are super earners online, especially with using clickbank, some are and some are not, usually we make a decision based on what we see and read.

This is a quick post to explain two of the common sense ways to spot fake screen shots and unrealistic claims, I myself have been sucked into a few things that claimed this and that and then they just took the piss by not providing a refund or their product itself was not up to scratch.

A good blog that goes into detail about this is by Adam Wong, he tells it better than I could.

Number 1 The outrageous earnings claims

More often than not you will come across sites that claim to make you cash almost instantly, like within the next half an hour, whilst this could be possible with an adwords campaign, but even then it is an unrealistic statement, especially for anyone new who expects to be taught the ins and outs of adwords within 30 minutes, but the simple fact of a statement like earn $10,000 within the 30 minutes is just ridiculous, as it assumes you are an instant expert at marketing too, the whole point here is that some top marketers use these bold statements as hooks to draw a buyer in.

I think that the more professional internet marketers now are using other more benefit driven hooks to draw in their buyers and future customers and that they may use some of these out of touch claims, but then rely on other personal touches in their sales copy that strikes a chord with the reader on a personal emotional level.

Outrageous earning claims should be seen as one of the most influencing factors into not buying the product based on that assumption that you will earn an insane amount in a short time frame.

Number 2 The Earnings check

Some just feel the need to try and include their earnings with a clickbank check screen shot, but do they look real?
Are they real?

I think they do this to inflate their egos, if they are true, then great. But if they are just lies, then the fact of them lying, is lying to others obviously, but to themselves aswell as this only serves as a reminder to themselves that they earn little to nothing from clickbank in reality

They will show the usual clickbank stats page too, to go with their check and this is vastly over inflated too, if you can't see a clear image of the check, how much is actually earned, spelling mistakes on the check, odd things like this all stand out, so if you ever have a Clickbank check yourself, then take a good clear copy of it and show it on your blog, make it the standard that you would always check to see if other sites are using genuine and legitmate screenshots of earnings that can be backed up.

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